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Best Solar Rooftop Companies in India
Save On Electricity Bills

Installing solar panels significantly reduces monthly electricity bills and dependence on the power grid. This energy independence protects against rising electricity costs and volatile fuel prices. With analysts forecasting continued increases in electricity rates, solar remains a cost-effective solution and long-term investment in the future.

Solar Power Is Good For The Environment

The most commonly known fact about solar energy is that it represents a clean, green source of energy. Solar power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There’s nothing about solar power that pollutes mother nature.

Solar Power Causes Less Electricity Loss

Electricity needs to be transported from big power plants to end-consumers via extensive networks. Long distance transmissions equal power losses. Ever wondered what are solar panels used for? They’re on your roof to get energy from the sun. Rooftop solar power is helpful in increasing electricity efficiency, considering the short distance.

It Can Make Your Home Go Off-The-Grid

Traditional electricity might rely heavily on fossil fuels such as coal. The power that they generate can be harmful to the environment since burning fossil fuels would emit the harmful greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.


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Solar PV panels capture sunlight, causing electrons in the panel’s silicon cells to release energy that becomes direct current (DC) electricity.

An inverter converts the DC into alternating current (AC) electricity, making it useable for homes and businesses. Excess electricity can be stored in a battery or fed back into the power grid.

Additional electricity can be pulled from the grid if you need more power than your solar panels can generate.


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Reduces dependence on finite resources

Global population will continue to grow, but our Earth only has a finite amount of oil, coal, and natural gas to give up. The sun is Earth’s most abundant energy source, producing a staggering 173,000 terawatts of solar energy every second! That's more than 10,000 times the world's total combined energy use and it’s available again and again. In contrast, fossil fuels are totally non-renewable.

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Reduces Water Scarcity

Water is one of the most valuable natural resources, and its scarcity can be catastrophic and dangerous. In dry places, if can already be difficult to have access to fresh water, and the scarcity will only continue as we continue to use more and more water. What some people fail to realize is that generating most forms of electricity actually uses immense amounts of water, thousands of gallons. Water is used to cool generators and process and refine fuel in traditional energy plants. Hydropower and nuclear energy rely on excessive amounts of water, often from dams, to generate electricity. These dams can also affect ecosystems and damage the environment. Solar panels use energy from the sun to create electricity, which can help reduce the strain on water resources. If the US switched to solar energy, hypothetically we could use the water saved in.

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Lowers Greenhouse Gases

One of the main contributors to global warming is the amount of pollutants and excess CO2 in the atmosphere. As the carbon count increases, so does the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere that continues to damage our planet. More than a third of greenhouse gas emissions come from electricity usage in homes and other buildings. But solar energy doesn't release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when generating electricity, unlike traditional methods and even natural gases. By using solar power, your home or business can reduce its own carbon footprint and contribute to slowing global warming. Reducing the amount of traditional electricity homes use can have a significant impact on the environment.

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